
We took our boys to the Children's Museum today to celebrate Tyson's first birthday! He had sooooo much fun! The big boys loved showing him around and helping him play. He couldn't get enough of the riding toys! Dylan pushed him all over the place and Tyson just yelled out, "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!" It was adorable! Then, he went down the slide over and over and over, and each time he yelled, "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!"  Later in the day we opened presents, ate dinner at Chick-fil-a and let Tyson have a little more cake!The whole day was just full of fun!

I'm telling you, I've been in denial for the past month. I've been planning his birthday party and wrapping his presents but honestly, I cannot believe this baby is a year old! I feel like I've been screaming "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" as this year flew by!!!!! 

Tonight, as I rocked my sweet baby and laid him in his crib, I couldn't help but think about the first night I held him. His birth was such a shock to me, since we were told we were having a girl, so I spent the first few hours just trying to make sense of everything. That night, when the lights were out and I was supposed to be sleeping, all I could do was peer into that little hospital crib and watch my 3rd son breathe. Tears flowed down my face because I felt so badly that I hadn't planned for him or celebrated him or waited expectantly on him. I remember picking him up and holding him tightly and just praying and praying and praying (and sobbing) telling God thank you for this boy, and asking Him to help me be excited for a third boy and to help me fall in love with our littlest guy. Tonight, as I held my "Tysie", the tears flowed again,  Not because of sadness or regret but because God has faithfully answered my prayers! I love Tyson so much! There isn't even a teeny tiny part of me that wishes he was a girl! God knew exactly who He was placing in our family and I am forever grateful. 

The nurses gave us that blue blanket because they felt so
badly that Tyson had nothing blue!

Plus, God has taught me so much over this past year. He has used this "surprise" to reveal so much about Himself to me. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything because now, I am truly understanding, for the first time ever, how valuable I am to my Father! I'm just in awe of how He uses every thing in our lives to mold us into the people He wants us to be. 

Me and my "Tysie!"
(He's a Momma's boy!)

This mommy-hood thing, it's one heck of a ride! 


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