Precious 40 minutes

This morning at 7:30 (every day, same time, like an alarm clock) Dylan came into my bedroom, climbed into bed and laid down with me. Most mornings he wants to me to hurry and get up but today he just laid there and talked. We talked about the birds singing, Daddy being at work, Mitch giving kisses, how old we all are, and even our dreams. We didn't come out to eat breakfast until 8:10. What a precious 40 minutes! I enjoyed listening to my little boy talk, he has such a terrific vocabulary. He is growing so fast and I am learning to cherish these times. So, today I am thankful for sweet moments with my "BabyMan" who isn't a baby anymore.
Thank you God, for precious moments with Dylan. He is growing so fast and becoming such a smart young man. I will cherish each of these moments that You give me. Thank You! Amen.


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