Day One!

Today is the first day of a Year of Gratitude! I'm looking forward to focusing on my blessings and sharing something each day of 2011 that I am grateful for.

Today I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that allows new beginnings at any time. Revelation 2:15 says “...Behold, I make all things new...” In this new year I am thankful for Jesus' sacrifice and that God gives us second, tenth, and even four hundred and thirty ninth chances to start over and to become the person He created us to be. Jesus Christ makes all things new in you and in me and in any situation. A new year often encourages us to make new goals and to strive for better relationships and happier lives. I'm so thankful that these goals are possible to reach with the help of our Heavenly Father.
With His help, victory is possible.

Happy New Year! May God be glorified through this blog each and every day!


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