
Showing posts from 2011

What a year!

Wow, what a year!  This year has been full of highs and "not-so-highs." Finding out that we would become a family of four, an (almost) problem-free pregnancy, and the birth of our healthy baby boy Evan, were definitely high points for us. My Dad's horrible car accident, my hospitalization because of dehydration due to morning sickness, saying goodbye to Bryan's grandfather, and burying my grandmother today have all been fairly low points.  Many of you have been following this blog for some time and have witnessed many of these major life events that my family has experienced. Even in those very low points, this blog has caused me to focus on God's blessings and search for things to be thankful for. I have been blessed over and over again by this blog! Today I am thankful for "A Year of Gratitude." I'm forever changed by the choice to make gratitude a part of my daily life. After one of my friends told me about the statistics available to view on Bl...

I want the world to know it!

On New Year's Eve, 15 years ago, Bryan and I were both baptized. Baptism is a symbolic picture of what occurs through salvation. When I chose to accept Christ as my Savior, I died to my old life and became alive to a new life. Baptism is a representation of sin being washed away and it is also a statement to the world saying, "I follow Christ and I want everyone to know it." Baptism is also a step of obedience to scripture. Matthew 28:19 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am so glad that I made the choice 15 years ago to be baptised. Although I did have a few years of back-sliding and making some poor choices, making the choice to place my faith in God has been the best choice I've ever made.  To me, being a Christian isn't just about going to church or reading a devotional or posting a Bible verse as my Facebook status. Being a Christian is about realizing that th...

She would be so proud....

I found out this morning that my Grandma Doris passed away late last night. I've been thinking a lot about her today and as I talked with my mom, she told me something I never knew. Apparently Grandma Doris was beside herself with excitement when my mom found out that she was having a little girl. Until I was born, she only had grandsons. She was so excited about having a little girl in the family! She just had to buy lots of girly dresses and hair bows for her only granddaughter. She always let me wear her jewelry and walk around in her high heels. I remember sitting beside her as she played the organ and we sang "He's got the whole world in His hands." I also remember her yummy sausage and gravy biscuits and shepherd's pie. Most of all, I remember her painting my fingernails, fixing my hair and letting me wear her lipstick.  Earlier today I got my hair cut and colored (no more roots!! Thanks April!), I am about to paint my fingernails bright red, and I will be ...

Screen Saver

Bryan has a screen saver on his computer that shows pictures that he has saved. I have been sitting here on the couch watching the pictures scroll by. I am looking at precious memories of the past few years.  I am seeing pictures of Dylan, Evan, Bryan, our extended families, our friends, our vacations, our holidays, and special moments we have experienced together. Watching this slide show brings tears to my eyes. I am so blessed! I have such a precious family and we have a wonderful life together. If I ever need a reminder of how good God has been to me, I just need to watch this screen saver! Here are just a few of the memories I've been seeing on the screen saver... Expecting Baby Evan! Trying Green Eggs and Ham for the first time! Dylan's 3rd Birthday Dylan has always been a silly boy! Sharing with Daddy that he is going to be a big brother! Big Truck Day! Evan's First Bath! Evan is Mr. Smiley! About to leave the hospital with Evan ...

Is this it?

I visited my Grandmother today. She isn't doing well. I never knew the term "death's rattle" was true but I heard it today. As I sat on her bed and watched her lay motionless, lifeless, with that horrible rattle in her lungs, I couldn't help but ask, "Is this it?" I cried over her, prayed over her, and relived memories of her in my mind.  "Is this it? Is this the best of whats to come for her?" My Grandmother has been in a nursing home for 7 years. She suffers severely from Dementia and has had a really rough time. She has been unable to feed or dress herself for a while now and she cannot speak or remember who her family is. After 7 years of living this way, she is unresponsive, not eating or drinking at all, and has that terrible rattle. Seeing my Grandmother at the end of her life wasn't easy but I am so glad that I visited her today. Regretfully, I do not know if this is "it" for her. I honestly do not know if she ever acce...

Toys, Toys, Toys

Dylan and Evan received TONS of Christmas gifts. I was so exhausted after such a busy day yesterday that we left all the toys in the living room floor and in their rooms. When I woke up this morning, the house looked like a toy store had exploded. It took most of the day but we were able to go through all the older toys and get rid of some to make room for all the new toys. Thankfully the house looks much better this evening. Today I am thankful that my boys have so many nice things to play with and enjoy. I am also thankful that we were able to find a place to store all these toys! 

Church on Christmas

If it were up to me, we would have church every Christmas!! Before we went to church we were having a very busy and somewhat stressful Christmas morning. I was a little overwhelmed with getting everyone ready, opening gifts, making breakfast, traveling to and from Lexington, etc. Once we got to church, I felt like I could finally relax. It was so nice to be in the Lord's house with the family of God. I truly enjoyed singing Christmas carols, reading God's word, watching the children's message, and worshiping our Savior. Our church didn't have childcare today so all the children and babies were in the service together. At one point the pastor asked us to huddle up with our families to pray. As I stood in God's house with my sweet little family on Christmas day and looked around at all the other families huddled together in prayer, I couldn't help but cry. THIS is how we should be celebrating on Christmas day! Don't get me wrong, I love the family get togethe...

What a gift!

I've been thinking a lot about Mary lately. Since I recently carried and gave birth to a son, I have some things in common with Mary. I have experienced the joy of carrying a little boy in my womb, anxiously awaiting his arrival, feeling him kick and push inside me, and watching him enter the world. I have also enjoyed watching him as he sleeps, rubbing his sweet little face, rocking him as he cries, and singing to him to as he smiles. Mary and I have all of these things in common but I have to wonder, how did Mary feel knowing that she held the Savior of the world? Jesus would one day walk on water, heal the sick, make the lame walk, calm a storm, make the blind see, and die on a cross to save mere men. Its hard to believe that He was once a sweet little baby that cried and cooed. As Mary held him in her arms did she know who He would become, how God would use Him? Could she have really realized that she had given birth to Lord of Creation, the Ruler of Heaven and Earth? How awes...


Today while listening to KLOVE on the radio, I heard an incredible story. During the huge Tsunami that occurred 7 years ago an eight year old girl was separated from her family. It was assumed that she was swept away in the huge wave. Recently in a coffee shop someone overheard her story and helped her reunite with her family. The 15 year old girl couldn't remember her family member's names but she thought she remembered her grandfather's name so someone was able to lead her to her to him. She was positively identified as "Meri Yuranda" by a scar over her eye and a mole on her hip. Her mother told the press that she has her father's face so she knew it was her the second she saw her. Today I am thankful that God is still performing miracles! There are two amazing miracles in this story. The fact that all these family members survived the Tsunami when 200,000 people died is a miracle! Meri Yuranda being reunited with her family after 7 years is another miracl...

Kind Neighbors

Our neighbor that lives across the street is a nurse at our Pediatrician's office.  We've known her for several years now but I've recently been able to see how friendly she is. Evan has started drinking only formula now and our nice neighbor has been bringing us free Enfamil samples! For those of you that have not recently bought formula...she is saving us A LOT of money! She has given me her phone number and told me to text her when we need more. How awesome is that? Today I am thankful for our kind neighbor and the formula she is giving us. What a blessing she is!

Openly Celebrating Christ

This evening we were walking through Best Buy (getting a new digital camera for our Christmas present...yay!) and Dylan was singing "Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!" I was really impressed with singing! I walked over to him to tell him that I loved his song and I realized he was carrying his little Bible. He held onto that little Bible the entire time we were in the store. At one point he dropped it and was so upset. That Bible means a lot to him! Today I am thankful that we live in a place where my 3 year old son can sing his heart about Christmas while carrying his Bible through a public place. There are so many places around the world where Bibles are forbidden and singing about a Christian holiday might get you killed. We live in an area were these freedoms are so often taken for granted. This Christmas, I want to thank God for the freedom to openly celebrate the birth of Christ. We all ought to sing our hearts out just like Dylan! (And imagine if we all carr...

The "Natibity"

Dylan and I have been doing lots of fun Christmas crafts together to celebrate this special time of year. Our most recent craft was a "Do-It-Yourself" Nativity scene made with toilet paper rolls. Its an adorable little craft! Dylan doesn't really like coloring so only the palm tree and the angel have any color but he did a great job with cutting and taping. The best part of doing this activity together was listening to him retell the Christmas story using these figures. He remembered all the names and told the story well. He calls this set his "Natibity!"  I just love hearing my little boy tell the Christmas story. Today I am thankful that he is learning the TRUE meaning of Christmas. I want him to enjoy all aspects of the season but in our home, Jesus is the reason we celebrate. All of the other stuff is just a way to make Jesus' birthday even more special. I pray that both of my boys will always enjoy celebrating Jesus' Birthday!

Pediatricians Office

This morning I took Evan for his 2 month appointment at the Pediatrician's office. He is really growing! He is 11 pounds and 9 ounces now. He had to have several shots today but overall his appointment went very well. While we were there I had the doctor check Dylan's lungs and ears since he has had a cough for a day or two. She had a difficult time but she was able to thoroughly check him and found out that he has a double ear infection. I couldn't believe it when she told me because he hasn't complained at all! Today I thankful for our Pediatrician. She had to wrestle my 3 1/2 year old to the ground but she was able to find those ear infections! I am grateful that we found out about the infections so that he could start some antibiotics before Christmas. I wouldn't want his ears to hurt over this special holiday. I am thankful that my boys are able to see a doctor on a regular basis. We are truly blessed!


This morning during the Sunday School hour at Green Street Baptist Church, Pastor Eric asked if he could hold Baby Evan for all the elementary aged children to see. When Pastor Eric walked into the room he asked the kids what their attention was drawn to. They all replied, "the baby!" Eric used this lesson to remind the students that during this Christmas season, our attention needs to be focused on THE BABY!  Today I am thankful that my sweet little boy was able to help illustrate such an important lesson to these precious school aged kiddos. Its a truth that I hope we all remember. Christmas isn't about family or presents or Santa or food or lights. Christmas is about JESUS! 


Last night Bryan got up to take care of Evan so I could sleep. Of course, I still woke up because I hear every noise Evan makes but staying in the bed was sooooo nice! Last night was the first time in 2 months that I haven't had to get up multiple times to take care of my sweet boy. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mommy but getting a full night of sleep is a precious thing! Today I am thankful for a good night of rest. Feeling rested has a way of making everything better. Thank you Bryan!

"Board" Games

We had another excellent game night with the Williams and the Stowes! We had a yummy dinner and the kids played together and watched movies while the adults played games. They weren't the usual "board" games but they were a lot of fun. "Things" and Scattegories were the games we played...if you've never played them you should. We laughed and laughed! Today I am thankful for board games but more importantly, I'm grateful for the great times we have playing them. It is so much fun to sit down with a group of friends, play games, and laugh! 

Words of Wisdom

Green Street Baptist Church has started a new Mothers of Preschoolers program. I am usually unable to go because of another commitment but I was able to attend the group today and I really enjoyed it. Its so nice to discuss the details of motherhood with other mothers. I love hearing their stories and words of wisdom. I feel like I learned so much today and I feel better about the ups and downs I am experiencing.  Today I am thankful for other moms to talk to and the words of wisdom they share with me. Its wonderful to share our journeys with one another. 

Family Traditions

Today I am thankful for family traditions. I took Dylan and Evan to their Great-Grandmother's house today to make Moravian cookies. This has been a tradition in our family for many years. I remember my brother and I going to her house when we were young to make these special cookies. Its a tradition for our cousins as well.  Dylan had a lot of fun making these yummy cookies. He also enjoyed spending the morning with his Great-Grandparents. This time of year is so much fun! Dylan and Grandma Davis Working hard! Rolling out the dough Grandma Davis with Evan  Dylan took this picture =) Yum! They are so good!

True Friendship

Over the past few weeks I've been able to see who my true friends are. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances but TRUE friendship is hard to come by. When I say true friendships, I'm referring to those friends with whom I can be myself around. We share a common bond in Christ and are interested in each other lives. These friends won't talk about me behind my back or judge the way I parent my children. I don't have to wear make up around these friends or clean my house. These friends love me for who I am and share with me in life's ups and downs. I can talk to these friends with an open heart and know that they truly care about me. I've been praying that God would help me to be this type of friend as well.  Today I am thankful for the ladies in my life that fit the description know who you are! 


I had to deal with a somewhat stressful situation today and prayer really helped me through it. When this situation first arose, I immediately prayed over the issue and asked God to help me handle it. As I continued to deal with the problem, I didn't recognize what God was up to but later in the day while talking with someone on the phone, I could sense God's handy work. What would have normally been an all day, nerve-wrecking ordeal was easily worked out and settled.  Today I am thankful that I can go to my Heavenly Father in prayer and He listens! He cares about what is bothering me and desires for me to call on Him. He wants to help me and loves me no matter what. I am so grateful that the God who created Heaven and Earth takes time to hear my prayers. 

O Holy Night

Today I am thankful for the timeless Christmas songs that embody the true meaning of the Christmas season. "O Holy Night" is one of my favorites! It was written in 1847 as a poem and was later turned into a song by John Sullivan Dwight. This beautiful song tells of the birth of Jesus and mankind's redemption. Its amazing how these words are so touching even 164 years later. Have you ever really listened to the word s?  O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining. Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices! O night divine, the night when Christ was born; O night, O Holy Night , O night divine! O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!  To me, this song is telling of the greatest night there ever was....the night our Dear Savior was born. ...

Fun Fellowship!

We had our Sunday School Class Christmas Fellowship this evening. We really had a great time! The food was yummy and the games were hilarious! We played "Guess Who" with Christmas symbols, "Ghetto" Dirty Santa, Duct Tape Christmas Present, and One Handed Partner Gift Wrapping. Best of all was spending time with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Today I am thankful for fun times of fellowship with the Body of Christ!

Christmas Activities

Making Cookie Cups Decorating Chocolate Covered Pretzels Our Family at the Holiday Concert Yummy Popcorn! Relaxing, listening to Christmas music! Today I am thankful for all the fun activities that come along this time of year. Dylan and I made cookie cups and chocolate covered pretzels today and later this evening we went as a family to the Fox 8 Holiday Concert.We had a lot of fun together. Dylan absolutely loved the concert!! He did pretty good with the cookies and pretzels as well. This time of year is always so much fun but little ones make it even better!

"Your smile makes my heart bounce."

I almost got a picture of a smile =) "Your smile makes my heart bounce." -Winnie the Pooh This morning while I was thinking about this blog, I thought I would probably end up writing about being thankful for coffee! I haven't been sleeping much lately because of Evan's colic so, I am really thankful for coffee. At times I feel I might not stay awake without it! Even though I do love coffee, there is something I am more thankful for today.... Later in the morning something happened that caused me such joy, it erased the sleepy-head fog I was feeling. Evan smiled...a really BIG beautiful smile! Seeing that precious smile makes every sleepless night worth it!  Today I am thankful for that sweet smile. It reminded me that although coffee is nice and does help me get through the day...I am truly grateful for the experience of being a mother. Whether I get ten hours of sleep or ten minutes of sleep, this time of my life is a great blessing. The smiles on the faces ...

Good Deals!

Thanks to my friend Beth, I was able to get a fabulous deal on Evan's formula today at Sam's club. It was really nice to get a 3 pound can of formula for only $19! Today I am thankful for good deals that save my family money!

Being Helpful...

This evening I took my boys over to their Great-Grandparent's house. We ate dinner with them and I helped my Grandmother wrap all of her Christmas presents. We had a nice time together and I enjoyed doing something to help my Grandmother. With 4 children, 6 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren, she has a lot of presents to wrap! Today I am thankful for the opportunity to help someone I love. I hope that my gift wrapping will truly help her during this busy holiday season.

Just what I needed....

Having two kids makes life a lot more hectic! I love being a Mommy of two but I must say, I'm having a hard time getting things done lately. I feel like a busy bee these days! Today I am thankful for moments to slow down and enjoy my family. We had a great time this evening making a Gingerbread house. Dylan had a blast and loved eating the candy! It was a big a mess but a lot of fun. It was just what I needed -- a break from a busy day!

Family Time

We have had a really nice weekend. We've spent time together as a family and to me, there is nothing more precious! Today I am thankful that Bryan's job allows him to be home every weekend. We are able to enjoy family time together every week! I love my little family and spending time together is my favorite thing to do. I want to cherish every minute! My sweet little boys!  Poor Mitch!!  Reading our Bible Story  Trying to "eat" Daddy's nose =) 

Where are all the fathers?

We went to "Build and Grow" at Lowe's this morning. Dylan was able to build a caboose with his daddy! As I stood across the room with Evan, I looked around and couldn't help but ask the question...where are all the fathers? There were more women helping their sons build the cabooses than there were men. I admire these women for stepping up and taking their sons to do masculine activities but this is really a father/son activity. Without a doubt, some of the kid's fathers are working or out of town but I'm sure that isn't the case for all of these little guys. I can only pray that these young fellows have some sort of father figure in their lives. Today I am thankful that my boys have a godly male influence in their lives. Their father desires to spend time with them and to teach them how to become strong men of God. I am so grateful that my boys have such a great daddy!

A trip to the Mall...

So, I survived my first trip to the mall...alone...with two little boys! Dylan, Evan and I went to Four Seasons Mall this morning for a playdate with the Norwoods in the little play area. After the playdate the three of us ate lunch at Chick-fil-a and then went Christmas shopping. My boys did so good. I was a little nervous about this shopping trip but I actually had a lot of fun with them! Today I am thankful that I am learning to tote around 2 boys. I am truly enjoying being a mother of 2!

Sisters in Christ

Today I am thankful for my Sisters in Christ. Each Thursday morning I spend a few hours with a bunch of lovely ladies at MOMS (Mothers of Many Seasons). Together we study and discuss God's word. I absolutely love getting to know these ladies, sharing with them, and praying with them. These ladies are a blessing to me as well as all of my other girl-friends. God has truly blessed me with many valuable friendships. I am so grateful for that!