Sometimes God's favor doesnt' feel like favor at all.

It has become a Christmas tradition for my oldest son and I to watch The Nativity together. Last night, as we watched the movie, a line that I've heard hundreds of times before jumped out of me. Mary was just going about daily life when an angel of the Lord appeared to hear. Luke 1:30 says, " And he came to her and said, 'Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!'” That verse is one that I am very familiar with, but it hit me differently last night. The angel was sent to explain that God had chosen Mary to give birth to the Messiah, whom the world had been waiting for. The words that followed that verse say that Mary was greatly troubled, trying to discern what was meant by the greeting. Last night, I put myself in Mary's place for a few moments and thought about how she must have felt. Historians believe that Mary was most likely a young teenager when the angel appeared to her, no older than 15, since she was betrothed to Joesph and that custom occurre...