I've Come Full Circle...
Yesterday marked exactly 20 years since I aborted my child. For almost twenty years I had no idea what the date of the abortion was. I only knew that it was the summer of 1999. Through a series of events and God's amazing ways, I found out 2 months ago that it happened on June 19, 1999. I asked God to allow something special to happen on the anniversary, to honor this child. I prayed and prayed but wasn't sure what to do. God lined up several meetings yesterday. Each of those in regards to the non-profit ministry I have started in Winston-Salem, NC. We're a pro-life ministry devoted to ending abortion, mentoring mothers who choose life, helping post-abortive women find healing, and providing a place for preborn babies to be honored. Amazing things are happening with Not Forgotten Ministries and I am so grateful God has allowed my story to be used in such a way! www.theyarenotforgotten.com Yesterday's meetings went incredibly well. Big things are coming and...