Getting our hands dirty!
Today our family got the opportunity to serve with our small group at our community's pregnancy care center. We love this ministry! They do so much for the families and babies in our town. 3 years ago Dylan did a "Diaper Doozie" for the pregnancy care center and raised over $1,000 to buy diapers with. We still enjoy finding ways to bless this ministry. Our small group has sort of "adopted" the center as a service project. We are planning to serve here every month or so but today was our first day. With our youngins and all of the adults, we had a whole bunch of people to help out. We were able to rip out all of the carpet, pull up tons of carpet tacks, hang baby clothing, and pick up sticks and rake in the Memorial Garden. It was a lot of work but it was a wonderful time of fellowship and service. I enjoyed watching all of the children get involved! They were very serious about getting this work done. They definitely have servant's hearts. Hang...