Being Comfortable in the Uncomfortable
Over the weekend my family celebrated the life of my cousin, Chris. He passed away suddenly at only 48 years old, but the impact he had on others in those 48 years is immeasurable. During the service, the pastor said, "Chris knew how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable." It was just a quick line in the full story he was telling about Chris, but it stuck out to me and I've been thinking about it since. Many years ago Chris had a terrible allergic reaction to a medication, causing him to lose one of his eyes and most of the vision in his remaining eye. As a result, so much about his life changed dramatically, including his job, his independence, his ability to drive, etc. However, he never let the difficulties of his trials change who he was. He had always been a "no excuses" type person. He was dependable, determined, and devoted and that didn't change because of his circumstances. The discomfort life handed him didn't cause him to become bitter or a...