
Showing posts from January, 2011


Today I am thankful for photographs. My mom gave me a big box of photographs the other day. As I looked through all of those pictures, I was so excited to see people and things that I had forgotten about! As we get older we tend to forget our childhood. I'm so thankful that I grew up in a time when photographs were more common (especially since I was the daughter of  a photographer!) I am also thankful for all the pictures and videos we are making of Dylan. One day he will be able to look back on his childhood the way I did this weekend. Here are a few of my favorite childhood pictures:

Love Letters

Bryan and I have been cleaning out closets in our house and last night we came across two boxes of old letters from each other. Most of them were pretty silly and caused us to laugh hysterically but some of them were so sweet! Several of the letters even talk about when we get married and have children....who knew??! It so amazing to me that we have been together for more than half my life. These letters prove that we were head over heels for each other 15 years ago and that hasn't changed.  What a blessing to read these, to see how far we've come, to appreciate how God has lead us along the way to make sure that we ended up right where we are now. Bryan and I have a beautiful love story and I am so thankful for it!  As for the letters, we went through them and got rid of the absolutely ridiculous ones and are keeping the rest....maybe Dylan and his siblings will read them one day and laugh hysterically too!

Home Remedies

 When you can't use a cough suppressant, rub Vick's vaporub on your child's feet and put on socks. Although this may sound silly, it works! Last night Dylan had a terrible cough but we couldn't give him a cough suppressant because we read that isn't good to take Tamiflu and Robitussin together. So, Bryan found this home remedy on a website and I tried it. Dylan still coughed some but not nearly as bad! Today I am thankful for home remedies! I'm also thankful that my little guy is starting to feel better! He is much more energetic today!

An Everlasting Love

My precious baby, Dylan, has the flu. He is not feeling well at all. My heart has been breaking as I've watched him feel so bad. I'm doing everything I can but the flu has to "run its course." No matter what he needs, what he wants, how irritable he is, how clingy he is, or what comes out of his little body...I will be here for him. I love him with an unconditional love! This reminds me of our Heavenly Father! Regardless of what we've done, where we've been, or what goes in or out of our mouths...He loves us with a love that never ends!!! We don't deserve it but His love is everlasting! Praise God! "...I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jeremiah 31:3

Modern Medicine

Today I am thankful for modern medicine. My sweet Dylan has had a fever and a cough for the past few days. I took him to the doctor this morning (even though he said "No Mommy, I don't need the doctor.") The doctor did some tests and found that he has the flu! My poor baby! I hate that he is sick but I am so glad that we live in a time and a place where I can take my son to the doctor any time he is sick. I am also thankful for medicine to help me baby feel better. I hope he is feeling all better soon!


Today I am thankful to be a part of Thirty-One gifts! I attended our bi-monthly meeting on Monday night and had a wonderful time. We played games, laughed, ate, and did some training. I really enjoy being a part of this great group of women and I love being able to bring such awesome products to my family and friends. I'm also super excited about all the new spring/summer products and prints! This company has blessed so many women. I'm so happy to belong to a company that is faith-based and growing so quickly!


Today I am thankful for my sweet friend, Leah! Since the Jeep still won't start and Bryan had to drive my car to work today, Leah is going to pick Dylan and I up so that we can go to Bible Study! I would have been so broken-hearted if I missed the second session of Bible Study. I am so glad that I am able to go today! Thank you Leah!!! Thank you, God, for precious friends!

An Early Surprise!

We had an early surprise this morning! Bryan got ready to leave for work around 5:45am. A few minutes later he came back into the bedroom and told me the Jeep wouldn't start. In the past, this would have been a huge ordeal! One of us would have had to miss work if I were still teaching. Today I am thankful that I am home with Dylan and that Bryan was able to drive my car. It just made what could have been a very stressful situation, not that bad. I just keep finding reasons to be thankful for God's "divine intervention" in my life! Even though I have constant pain, I am so thankful for the changes that have taken place in my life.  We'll see what happens with the Jeep =)

A night out with Adults!

Last night we went to the Cheesecake Factory with a few other couples from church. We did some shopping and then enjoyed dinner. We laughed until we almost cried and ate until we almost popped! I think we all had a great time! Today I am thankful that my mom was able to babysit so that Bryan and I could enjoy such a terrific time with fabulous friends! 

A Good Night's Sleep

Today I am thankful for a good night's sleep. Last night I slept really well. This is rare for me because of my back pain. I usually toss and turn and get up and down all through the night. A lot of nights I end up on the couch. Last night was terrific!! I feel so rested today too! YAY! Thank you God for a nice night of rest!

My Yellow Paint!

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to be Dylan's Mommy! This morning he woke up crying, which rarely happens now. I went into his room and sat down beside him. He was very upset. He told me that someone had drank his yellow paint. He kept saying "my yellow paint, my yellow paint." I quickly realized that he had been dreaming about the new yellow bathtub paint that his Grandma bought him yesterday. He was distraught because he thought someone had really drank his new yellow paint. I talked with him about dreams and showed him the yellow paint bottle...still full of paint! It isn't easy to explain a dream to a 2 and 1/2 year old. What a blessing to be this little guy's mother! I love teaching him and sharing in his experiences. Thank you, God, for this blessing!

Shopping Days!

Most Mommies know that "Shopping Days" come rarely (at least shopping days that don't include shopping for groceries, wipes, and diapers!) Today is my Mother-in-law's birthday and we're going for a Shopping Day! Cheryl, Darcie, Dylan, and I are going to the mall and to a few other stores. Of course, I won't be buying much but its still fun to get out of the house and window shop! Today I am thankful for fun things do to with family and friends. Ahhh, the simple things in life!

The One True God

During the DVD portion of yesterday's Bible Study (Jonah by Priscilla Shirer) she discussed how Buddhists have to climb 125 stairs to pray to the statues of Buddha. They can pick one of 5 statues to pray to but none of these statues have eyes that see or ears that hear.  Priscilla made an excellent point(paraphrasing)..How awesome is it that the ONE TRUE GOD comes down to us instead of making us climb up to him?! Our God is alive and there is only one of Him! We really should have to climb up to Him but he doesn't require that of us (which is a good thing because most of us probably wouldn't climb 125 stairs to pray!) He loves us so much that He makes himself completely available to us. Today I am so thankful that I can have a relationship with the ONE TRUE GOD and He is alive!

GSBC Bible Study

Today I am thankful for Green Street's Women's Bible Study. I started attending this bible study a year and 1/2 ago. I was never able to go before because I was teaching every Tuesday morning and on Tuesday nights I was too busy trying to cook dinner, spending time with Dylan and getting everything ready for the next day. Starting this Bible Study is another reason why I'm so pleased with how God has been at work in my life. I love spending time in God's word and with the ladies who attend Bible Study. Today is the first day of our spring semester and I can't wait to get started! We're doing Jonah: Navigating a Life Interupted by Priscilla Shirer. I'm so thankful that I'm able to attend and I hope this is the only the beginning of a lifetime of Bible Study!


Today I am thankful for memories. I absolutely love taking pictures, making scrapbooks and photo albums, and sharing my memories with others. One of my favorite ways to share my family's memories is with a photo book. I've been making these for several years. They are quick, easy, and make a nice and unique photo album. Dylan loves looking at the "story books" about our family.  This one is from Bryan's 30th Birthday party! The best part of this photo book is that is was free! Thanks Shutterfly!

Physical Therapist

Today I am thankful for my Physical Therapist, Brandy. She isn't technically my physical therapist anymore since she moved but I am waiting to be placed with a new therapist and in the meantime, I am able to text or call Brandy when I'm in pain. Last night I did every exercise I could remember from therapy and I could not get my pain to decrease. So, I texted Brandy and she spent over an hour trying to help me. The pain never goes away but with her help I was able to get the pain to decrease. I am so thankful for her and her help!

Home Sweet Home

Today I am thankful for our little home. We've been trying to sell our house for a while now so, sometimes I feel frustrated about still being in our little home. Sometimes I'm so ready to move! I know God's timing is best so while we're here, I've decided to be thankful for our little house and all the precious memories we've made here. There are so many families around the world who do not have a home and many that do have homes still don't have the luxuries of heating and air conditioning, running water, warm showers, etc. We are truly blessed and I feel sure that God has the perfect time in mind for us to move into a new (maybe not quite as little) home!


Today I am thankful for good friends. Yesterday Dylan and I spent the afternoon with several of Dylans little friends and their Mommies. Dylan enjoyed playing with the kids and I loved spending time with other Moms. There is never a quiet moment with 4 Moms and 6 kids! Last night Bryan went to the Carolina game with all the Dads. I think they had a fun time and apparently laughed histerically. I'm so thankful that God has given us friends to spend time with.

I love my heating pad!

Today I am thankful for my heating pad. I know, its silly, but its true!  There are days that I don't know what I would do without my heating pad! Since my injury in May of 2009, I have burnt up 3 heating pads! So, I am also thankful that my husband just bought me 3 new extra-large heating pads! I'm even sitting on one now as I type this =)

More valuable than sparrows...

Today I am thankful that my little family has been able to stay inside where its safe the past few days. I love snow but it always causes me to worry. I'm so thankful that Bryan has been able to work from home this week. We've all be safe and worries! It reminds me that God loves us and protects us. "So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows" Matthew 10:31 Isn't it amazing to think that we are valuable to God? He desires to watch over us and have a relationship with us. He made each sparrow and watches over each one of much more does He love each one of us? No need to worry! 

1-11-11...8 months later

8 months ago today I had L5S1 Disc Decompression and Spinal Fusion Surgery (fancy words to say that I had a disc removed and my spine fused). Today I am thankful for how far I've come in 8 months. There is still so much I cannot do but 8 months ago I couldn't do anything on my own. Poor Bryan had to take 6 weeks off of work to take care of me, he had to take me to the bathroom, help me sit up, sit down, stand up, and walk. I couldn't even turn over in the bed without help. Thank you Bryan for taking such good care of me. I really have come so far in 8 months! As I sit on my couch, in a lot of pain, on my heating pad....I think about how easily discouraged I could be. My doctor thought I'd be much better by now. I'm still having incredible pain on a daily basis and the doctors believe I am at a "standstill." But, I know my God is in control and I believe that He has great things in store.  Although the surgery didn't "fix" me, I am glad I had...

Washing down the peas....

We often take for granted the simple food. That's what I'm thankful for today! At dinner last night, Dylan was putting green peas in his mouth, putting his milk in his mouth, and washing the peas down. Where did he learn that?!? I have no idea where he has seen that but it made Bryan and I laugh out loud. As he was doing this I couldn't help but think about boys and girls around the world that would love to have those peas because they have so little to eat.  I'm so grateful that we have healthy food to eat and its usually a wide assortment. Dylan usually loves peas but last night he was forcing himself to eat them (or maybe just having fun "playing" with his food) Even if Dylan has to wash it down, I'm so thankful for the food we have!

We are not alone!

Today I am thankful that we are not alone! I was reminded of this while in the car today listening to Storyside B's song "Be Still." There are times when we feel discouraged, sad, and alone. There are times when nothing seems to go our way and the pain seems like it will never end.  I am so thankful that I can call on my Heavenly Father...he is always there, always aware of my situation, and always in control.

Good Times!

Today I am thankful for great friends, an amazing family, and GOOD TIMES! Bryan's party was chill-to-the-max! The 80's costumes were absolutely hilarious! Thank you to everyone who came and helped make Bryan's day so special! Here are some pictures to explain why I'm so thankful today! Can you tell we had totally awesome time?

Happy Birthday Bryan!

Today I am thankful for my wonderful husband, Bryan! I met this precious man over 15 years ago and I knew the day I met him that I would spend my life with him. We have been married for 6 and 1/2 years. I am so thankful for Bryan because he is my best friend, the love of my life, a caring husband and a terrific father. Another reason I love this man is because God has  used him to change my life. When I met Bryan I had a very distorted view of God and had no clue that you could have a personal relationship with Jesus.  Bryan invited me to church, set a good example for me, introduced me to Christian music and taught me that being a Christian is fun and exciting!  At fourteen years old I accepted Christ as my Savior. I truly believe that God used Bryan to encourage me and lead me to Him.  How lucky am I that I get to spend my life with such an amazing man?! I know God put us together and I thank God every day for Bryan! Happy Birthday H...

God knows what He is doing!

Today I am thankful that I am able to stay home each day. When my doctor first took me out of work over a year ago, I was really unsure about the idea. I am so glad now! There are so many days that I am in terrible pain and spend hours on the heating pad. There are nights that I don't sleep much at all because of my back pain or I end up on the couch because its the only way I can get comfortable. I cannot imagine having to get up and go to work with the pain I have or the lack of sleep. I also can't imagine working all day and then coming home and taking care of my family. I am so grateful that I am able to spend each day at home so that I can deal with my pain and still take care of family.  I also love spending time with my little guy =) God sure does know what He is doing!

The Basics

Today I am thankful for the basic necessities that are available to me and my family. As I was putting socks on Dylan the other day, he asked me if we could send some socks to "the boy who has no toys." He is referring to Ever Rolando, the child we sponsor through World Vision. We sent some trucks to Ever Rolando at Christmas and that is why Dylan refers to him as the boy with no toys. I am so thankful that Bryan and I are able to provide a nice home for Dylan and all the things he needs and most of what he wants. We often take for granted all the simple things like socks, soap and toothbrushes. So many around the world do not have even these simple items. Thank you God that we have all that we need! You have blessed us in so many ways! Thank you that my son is thinking of others and that he desires to give as You have given. Amen.

Day 4

Today I am thankful for my relationship with my Heavenly Father. As I was reading during my quiet time this morning, I was reminded of the Parable of the Lost Sheep. If 99 out of a100 sheep made it home safely, the world today would say thats a pretty good for the other lost one, he's too weak and stupid, he shouldn't have gotten lost. Thank goodness God isn't like that! God wants every sheep home safely and He will do whatever it takes to take care of each one. God loves us no matter what, regardless of our income, weight, job, successes or failures. I am so thankful that I know this amazing God who loves me even though I don't deserve it. A Rocky Road by R. Lynn Frame  (My quiet time reading today) 

Our Church is Awesome!

Today I am thankful for Green Street Baptist Church. Yesterday when Bryan, Dylan and I were getting out of the car to go into church, Dylan looks up at me and says "Our church is awesome!" I couldn't agree with him more! As a parent in 2011, it is a pure joy to hear your child call church "awesome." There are so many children who have never been to church and have no idea who Jesus is...I am so glad my child does! I know he is only 2 years old but I am so pleased that he knows about church and loves going to church. I want to say thank you to Dylan's teachers and class volunteers. You guys truly are making a difference! I'm so grateful that my child loves attending his awesome church!

Day 2

We put all of our Christmas decorations away yesterday. That seems like a pretty easy task for most people but it hurt my back so badly. I ended up laying on the floor with an ice pack for a while. I was in tears because of the pain and my sweet baby boy, Dylan, came and laid next to me. He said "What's wrong Mommy? Don't cry!" He took such good care of me and he laid beside me until I could get up again. It made my heart melt! Today I am thankful for my sweet little guy. As I've dealt with all of my back issues over the past year and a half, Dylan (and my sweet husband) have really helped me get through it. I'm so grateful to have this caring and thoughtful little boy in my life! Children truly are one of God's greatest blessings!

Day One!

Today is the first day of a Year of Gratitude! I'm looking forward to focusing on my blessings and sharing something each day of 2011 that I am grateful for. Today I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that allows new beginnings at any time. Revelation 2:15 says “...Behold, I make all things new...” In this new year I am thankful for Jesus' sacrifice and that God gives us second, tenth, and even four hundred and thirty ninth chances to start over and to become the person He created us to be. Jesus Christ makes all things new in you and in me and in any situation. A new year often encourages us to make new goals and to strive for better relationships and happier lives. I'm so thankful that these goals are possible to reach with the help of our Heavenly Father. With His help, victory is possible. Happy New Year! May God be glorified through this blog each and every day!