Today marks twenty-four years since I had my abortion. Most of those years I desperately avoided even thinking about what I had done, and I never acknowledged my baby. Four years ago, everything changed when I finally surrendered my story to God. Instead of running away from my past mistakes, I knew God wanted me to face them head on. On the twentieth anniversary of my abortion, I went inside the former abortion clinic for the first time. It was the scariest thing I had ever done but also brought me so much healing. Since then, every June 19th, I do something special in honor of the baby I aborted. This year I decided to do something permanent. I’ve had a tattoo with the names of my living children for several years but today, I added two butterflies to represent Taylor, the baby I aborted, and Micah, the baby I miscarried. I also had the word “Victorious” tattooed on my wrist. This word has meant a lot to me for many years. Romans 8:37 says, “But in all these things we are compl...