Is This Really Happening??!!
The past six months have been crazy. You know that as well as I do! We've all dealt with a worldwide pandemic, riots and looting have filled many cities in the US, multiple hurricanes hit land at once, there were earthquakes in strange places, horrific wildfires, swarms of locusts, everything has weird because of social distancing, we're all wearing masks in public, church has been cancelled, public schools are now virtual, and, quite possibly the most important election in US history is coming up in November. Oh, and I can't forget the murder hornets! 2020 has been one to remember, huh? Well, I have had another incredibly crazy thing happen this year! I wrote and published a book! I never, ever imagined I would be a published author. Especially not the author of a book about abortion! But last year several people asked if I was planning on writing a book so, I played around with the idea. Right before Christmas I decided to contact some publishers, just to see what mi...